Monday, April 14, 2008

who's the winner...

the winner of technical Writing Blogs is....jeng..X3
the winner is DIANA ASHRAF..
congratulation to her.
she post aver 140 post at her blogs..that alot.but in all the blogs, mohd firdaus blog's is very nice..there have alot of islamic element in their blog's.
i hope firdaus can continue their blogs..i hopes he can win..
diana's blogs good but not very use fully in english and the post is sometimes like "nonsense" but what can we do..the winners are selected from the highers posting. anyway congratulatin to all my friend to maintain the blogs. and sorry if i'm's what i'm thinks.

1 comment:

M.Firdaus said...

Terima kasih sebab puji. Pujian kadangkala boleh menaikka semangat untuk terus ber'blog'.